Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Our Coming 'Perilous' Year...

So as we close out 2021, there's been a lot of talk here at Olde House Rules Headquarters about the coming year and how to use it. Our staff meetings involve dice and battles with pillaging orcs; but that's where our finest ideas come from. Anyway, here's the minutes from our latest adventure - er, staff meeting - to give you some idea...

And that's where it's going. Thanks everyone for a great year! Stay safe and take time to appreciate the people in your lives. We'll see everyone next year, when we'll definitely have more to say about our plans. Pits & Perils is our flagship game and a personal love that's gotten precious little attention these many years. Our apologies to the fans who've stuck it out with us. Until then, enjoy the holidays; and while we're all celebrating, let's not forget those impacted by the tornadoes. Every bit of good we do makes the world a better place...


  1. Great! Any chance of Wound Point (I sent you info on this for P&P, and also Dyson wrote interesting rules in his first supplement of Dyson Delves) and Luck Point rules? They would be awesome in the game. Random hex and dungeon crawl rules would work well too (as per Gygax in the day). Plus any of the other stuff I sent you with your own take on it ... of course. Happy a happy holiday!

  2. Wait here is my best idea yet :) - How about "Planets & Parlous" or "Planets & Portentous" or "Stars & Sinister" or "Aliens & Apocalyptic"? A sci-fi supplement no less to stand head to toe with P&P!!

  3. Awesome!!!

    I also really enjoy thinking that Old House Rules has a headquarters building.
