So there's this ongoing discussion (and one fairly recently) about the OSR (Old-School Renaissance) and
what it means or should mean, or whatever. And sometimes, it devolves into
horrifying exchanges by people who I can only assume labor under the delusion that
gaming, however fun, is, well, important.
That is, important enough to brutally
attack anyone over. Watching mutual
friends fight (not debate, that's another matter) over something as trivial as
games where we pretend to be elves is sad at best. Usually, it happens when someone insults
someone else, and it quickly ceases being about the hobby and more about the fight, which is inevitable. And sadly, I've gotten pulled in myself.
This is troubling because I'd really like to see everyone on good
terms. And because our
hobby should unite people. That said, I'm feeling a bit self-destructive
this week and think I'll weigh in. This
is just my opinion, and if yours differs, that's cool. I'm not one for labeling those who disagree
(or game) differently from me with distasteful epithets unless they map to dreadful behavior outside of gaming. It's just food for thought and debate...
so the Urban Dictionary defines old-school as:
"Anything that is from an earlier era and
looked upon with high regard or respect."
Of course, that's painting in pretty broad strokes. But in tabletop role-playing, it means the
earliest state of the hobby and the games as they were played back in the
day. So yes, OD&D is old-school
because it was the first commercially available role-playing game. It's all a matter of timing, and if Shadowrun
were (somehow) the first published system, we'd be calling that old-school. That's not
the way it happened, and we can't ignore our history. But I point this out because it shows just
how subjective "system-as-old-school" can be.
This matters a lot because the OSR began as a "D&D Preservation Society" committed to resurrecting older editions of that venerable game through retro-clones. Later, this expanded to other early systems, be it RuneQuest, Traveler or whatever. This is fine; moreover, I don't wish to denigrate any of these fine products (we've had quite a bit of fun with some of them, and that speaks for itself). But there are some who want to say that these early games define the boundaries and parameters of the OSR, which I'm not so sure about.
Although we disagree with their more fanatical voices, the gatekeepers do have a point when taken in context... |
these gatekeepers, the OSR means retro-clones of early games, like White Box, or variations, be it Lamentations of the Flame Princess, White Star, or whatever. And there's something to this, actually. Back in the day, D&D was the common language, and each campaign, with
their innumerable house-rules, was a regional
dialect. Sure, it's sometimes hard
to hear through a thick southern drawl.
But once you get the hang of it, you realize everyone is still speaking English. So yeah, this element really preserves
something of the old-school environment and much of what I personally remember from 1978.
it the methodological OSR. And yeah, this rightly matters because, as at
least one gatekeeper put it, you can't just stamp "OSR" and anything
and pass it off. Sure, I'll concede the
point. I mean, the OSR has to stand for something, am I right?
But then, are specific systems the only thing
about the hobby that can be old-school?
What about the assumptions,
approach to subject matter, and design philosophy of the early games. Can't they also be considered
old-school? Especially since they can change (and obviously have). I mean, 4th Edition D&D isn't an OSR game. But why not?
some have balked at these things as irrelevant.
For instance, the division of labor between the GM and the players was
there from the start. Technically, it's
old-school. But we're still doing this
today and in contemporary games. Even so, this fact is pretty much inevitable. Homo erectus was an old-school human, but
their genes live on in homo sapiens because it's an evolutionary process. And I
shouldn't have to point out that many newer systems (story games, in particular) are veering hard from this model.
it the philosophical OSR. The idea that old-school can also be about
the overall approach to design even in an otherwise original system.
And moreover, the idea that this can still
inform a potential buyer and steer them towards systems they'll like...
If you lived in the 60s/70s, this was the popular depiction of elves, and Tolkien's original artwork readily invoked these old-world conceptions... |
hobby developed organically from Braunstein and Blackmoor. These were games people actually played
and developed from the ground up. And
this fact, alone, necessarily implies certain (perhaps inevitable) qualities, including the following...
The rules were just a guide for the
referee to build their own campaign.
Greater emphasis was placed on personal decision-making and problem solving,
and conscious effort was made not to
automate these processes with spot checks (or whatever) whenever possible. These were games of strategy, after all.
The referee had the final say because their job was to create a believable
world, and this meant putting many things beyond the players. And if the players hoped to change things, they
had to do it through their characters and the choices they made by proxy.
Things were approached from the perspective(s) of those living at the time. Believe me, four decades of role-playing has given
rise to many abiding conventions; among them, the idea that dwarves are
miniature Vikings with a Scottish accent.
But back then, dwarves were more often based on the stuff of 19th
century fairy tales. You know, impish
little people with colorful cloaks. Look
at the elf on page 32 of OD&D's Men & Magic booklet or the various depictions
in TSR's Swords & Spells. It was all
tasseled hats and curly-toed shoes because back then, that's the antiquated lens we saw demi-humans through.
And finally, production was amateur and primitive because that's all one could do. But it nonetheless paid big
dividends. It felt accessible, like a peer-to-peer exercise.
But what if you grew up in the 70s and want to design games in that mold? Games that might have been published back then. Original mechanics derived from bona fide wargaming approaches of the time. Games that emphasize decision-making and problem solving over the mechanical resolution of things that ought to be left to the players. Games that approach their subject matter from the head of a 70s-occupant. Oh, and rulebooks that deliberately emulate "amateur" design and production to top off the illusion. Games that do #1-5, above, because they represent an intentional (and legitimate) design strategy...
Would this be old-school? Maybe. Maybe not. But if so, it belongs in the OSR!
Now obviously, quite a few modern games embrace at least some
of the above and do so deliberately.
And, not surprisingly, many appeal to fans of the OSR. So let's turn the hat over, shall we, because if you're a game publisher who does this by
design, you'd be out of your ever-lovin' mind not to reach out to the OSR community. After all, its devotees are more likely to appreciate your approach. Oh, and buy and play your games! That said, if you're designing specifically to appeal to these sensibilities, you belong to a wing of the OSR, even if it's just its philosophical wing. But then, our foundational principles matter.
is the OSR a methodological or philosophical thing? In the end, I'd argue that it's both!